Friday, May 1, 2009

Sweet Swine O' Mine

The latest Media fueled panic is over something called Swine Flu. It is a strain of influenza which apparently originated in Mexico and has spread to various quarters through tourism. The real occurance of this latest "pandemic" has been extremely small and the few real reported cases are proving to be no more harmful than the many other strains of flu that appear every year.

However, due to media induced fear, people have been seen wearing surgical masks in of all places, Times Square!!! This is probably the most visited location in America by people from around the world. There are probably more germs floating around Times Square than in any other stretch of blocks in the country.

What these mask wearing morons obviously don't understand is that surgical masks don't keep you from contracting the contagion, they only keep you from spreading it (marginally)!

Due to our natural defenses, it is HIGHLY unlikely to contract influenza or a common cold through our noses and mouths. It is almost always contracted through hand to eye contact. Our eyes don't have the same protection as our other orifaces. When you touch a door knob or other object that someone has spread the germ on, possibly by coughing or sneezing on their hand, and then touch your eye, you have a far better chance of getting the "bug".

Surgeons wear masks in operating rooms to protect the patients who are literally open for infections, not to protect themselves.

President Obama was spot on in his advice. Wash your hands!

The reason I am writing this is because I host an Open Mic Night every Monday at Bartini Bar in Babylon, New York. A few musicians have expressed concern that the microphones may spread the nasty swine. That is Hogwash (pardon the bad pun)!!! You are far more likely to get it from an ATM, gas pump, door knob, stair rail, the handle on the coffee pot at 7-11, a menu, a supermarket cart, and MONEY!!! If I was a terrorist, I would infect the money!

So fear not my friends! You will survive. You can even tell your grandchildren " I had The Swine Flu and Lived"! If you do contract Swine Flu, come and sing at my Open Mic! Just don't touch anything!!!