Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Freedom of Religion

I had the good fortune to attend 12 years of Catholic School. We had a class called Religion. It was not bible studies which are nothing more than propaganda lessons at many so called "Christian Schools". Religion Class at St. Brigid and Holy Trinity were an exploration into all religions with a focus on the Roman Catholic faith. We were taught that all forms of worship were fundamentaly good and most began from the same basic roots.
I tried to explain Islam to a friend who was a 9/11 first responder. He said "everything I want to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11."
Sadly, that same sentiment is shared by many who know very little about religion, The Constitution, and our country.
Ignorance is at a Zenith in America. The best example is the "Mosque at Ground Zero".
I'm not going to tread out the arguments here. I can only observe that the inteligent, educated, and informed have no problem with this. The opposite side is filled with hate mongers, xenophobes, and those who exploit the uneducated (Fox News, etc).
The educated among us (I use that term loosely due to the thousands who graduate with little real education) understand our Constitution. We know that particular document made this country great. Those who try to dismiss Article One from The Bill of Rights will never understand why our country became great. They will continue to complain about foreigners, gays, muslims, liberals, bloggers, songwriters, etc.
Please build your churches, temples, mosques. Just stop building hate.