Thursday, September 18, 2008

3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!!

Hey All! Welcome to my BLOG! My children, especially my daughter Jessica, thought it would be nice for me to have a place to rant. She created this blog so I can let it out and stop bothering her!
What exactly is a blog? Is it an anagram for something? Does anyone read blogs? Can anybody read? When did I turn into Andy Rooney?
I have a website
and an e-mail list that goes out to about 200 people (mostly stoner musicians) who never respond anyway! However, blogs are something everyone apparantly needs so I am thankful to Jessica. This should cover the next 5 years of birthday and Christmas gifts so Jess, you can forget about that new wallet.
Anyway, welcome to my blog. I guess I'll be playing with this thing for a while, just like I played with the motorific speedway I got for Christmas when I was 7. That fucker broke after one week!
In the days, weeks, and months to come, I will be spouting about music, sports, politics, religion, my insane family, and pretty much anything else that comes to mind. I will also answer your posts with my clever although somewhat inane comments.
Thus begins my new journey into cyberspace! Our 3 year mission is to seek out new life and new civilizations and boldly go where no blogger has gone before!!!!



Robin Eve said...

Hey Jes, no worries, I had to look it up too. LOL
To save everyone else the searching "The Luddites were a social movement of British textile artisans in the early nineteenth century who protested—often by destroying mechanized looms—against the changes produced by the Industrial Revolution, which they felt threatened their livelihood." already know your kids rock. It's not a stretch to see where they get that from considering you and Magge are like cool squared.
VERY excited about your new blog. Considering I'm in agreement with 80%...wait,, 95%....ok, ALL of your views regarding politics, music and life in general, looking forward to having some great reads!
Enjoy your day and whenever you can, start a revolution!!

Robin Eve said...

ps....thought you'd get a kick out of this. It's today's "mood" on my myspace page.
"John McCain-With 7 of the most powerful Washington lobbyists running his campaign from the top,"taking on the old boys" isn't his fight, it's a staff mtg"
Heard that on CNN last night and just loved it!!!
You know, I do tend to love the truth

JD said...

Congratulations, and again, welcome to 1998.