Monday, September 22, 2008

Change is Coming!!!

What exactly is change? Well it's certainly not more of the same. It is definitely not an old republican and his clueless partner spouting "change" as though they invented it.
Change, my friends, is a way to make our little green planet safer, healthier, and without fear.
The liars (you know who they are) don't really care about change, they care for themselves and their sickeningly, obsenely, rich cronies. They are about to bail out the Wall Street criminals who gave out loans, sold them to small banks, and are crashing because they over extended themselves to the point of no return. Now Bush, McCain, and the rest are going to hand them 700 BILLION dollars of OUR money because they were inept and greedy beyond comprehension.

Hey! Believe the liars! Country first!!! Except if you happen to work for a living, Or have 2 incomes to pay your 2 mortgages. Country first! People Last!

These are the same Liars who said they would find Osama Bin Laden after 9/11/01 and proceeded to profit from our fears and patriotism. This country was united in a way I have never seen. Instead of rallying the country and the WORLD to make a better place, we were used and exploited by an administration with John McCain in step to make themselves a whole lot richer. Does this make you angry? Apparently, it doesn't for most Americans. Most of you are quite satisfied with watching "Dancing with The Stars" on your new HDTV.

Change is essential. Change is vital. Change is needed now. Crawl out of your little boxes on November 4 and vote for Obama. Don't get fooled again!


Robin Eve said...

Hey Dave, well said as usual.
Did you happen to see the video from Keith Olbermann where he was talking about McCain saying he could find BinLaden and will, after he's president? I thought Olbermann was going to have a heart attack. it's a good watch...enjoy

Unknown said...

Thanks Robin! I did see it. You are correct! Olbermann was nearly apoplectic and rightfully so! I don't always agree with him but when he's right, he is uncompromisingly right!!! I Love passion for politics, music, and even sports (when it doesn't de-evolve into fanaticism). Isn't it strange that when Obama says he would like the federal government to help out people to get some decent health care and afford community college for our kids, he is called a socialist willing to give away taxpayer money, but when the liars give out money to the currupt and incompetent business "leaders" they are somehow perceived as saviours of the economy they created? The world is truly upside down!

JD said...

Hey, I like dancing with the stars. shouldn't I have to right to watch what I want.


Unknown said...

Hey, JD, ANYONE who likes Dancing With the Stars should be put on a pedestal on national TV....
and then shot in the head!
Of course I am joking! However, I'm not really sure if your sarcastic streak comes from your mother! Perhaps "I am joking" was really sarcastic! Hmmmmm.

Lifer said...


Did you see Greenspan on the news testifying to Congress that while under the Clinton administration he was clueless and in "shocked disbelief" of the breakdown of the credit markets during his promotion of sub prime mortgages. He even admitted that as the head of the Federal Reserve he had the authority to stop irresponsible lending practices that fueled the subprime morgage market mess but he did not. He rejected pleas from Republicans to step in but he would not thinking the markets would right itself.

Check out this video on You Tube.

Unfortunately, McCain is taking the brunt on this as any political party in power at the time of a tough economy will take the hit.