Thursday, September 25, 2008

Suspend This, Senator!

The economy is crashing so the great John McCain has suspended his campaign to "save the country" by going to Washington and bail out the BAIL OUT!!! Plus, he bailed out on his appearence on Letterman, but showed up for Katie Couric! Now he is possibly bailing out on his promise to debate Senator Obama on Friday Night!

First... He is not the president! He is running for president. He is a Senator that has proclaimed publicly, his poor understanding of the economy! All he can do is screw up whatever solution the Congress (now working together!!!) will come up with.

Even if he knows the solution (like he knows how to find Osama Bin Laden), WHY hasn't he put his running mate in charge of the campaign instead of SUSPENDING it?????

What will he do as president when he is unable to multitask? SUSPEND the COUNTRY???
His VP is apparently unable to take over an election campaign! How can we expect her to take charge of the country when another inevitable crisis occurs???

Bad choices, bad decisions, bad running mate, and old ideas, create a hopeless future. Am I the only one who can see an old man acting like a child and a young man acting presidential? Senator Obama did not "suspend his campaign" although he also went to Washington. Senator Biden is helping in Washington and is still vigorously campaigning! Where is Sarah Palin???

Here is a link to Letterman's reaction to Senator McCain's last minute cancellation. This is priceless!!!

The truth is that John McCain was a "war hero". He bombed and paved the way for others to bomb an innocent populace in Viet Nam. VIET NAM??!!!!! Does anyone remember the travesty of that undeclared, unjust, and illegal war??? His father was a conspiritor in starting and escalating that "police action" (it was never a declared war) that took the lives of 60,000 American soldiers and brutaly wounded another 500,000 Americans! Not to mention the millions who died in South East Asia as a direct result of our "conflict". We are still suffering the consequences of one of the lowest points in American history.

Some people doubt my patriotism because I actually know the history of our beloved country. Well, like it or not boys and girls, The good old US of A has been the perpetrators of some of the worst crimes toward humanity.

People like lists, so read this one!

The majority of our founding fathers either owned slaves or profited from the slave trade. They formed a new country based on the premise that "all men are created equal" except if you are black, Indian, or a woman! This was followed by a bloody civil war and an era that still exists that included segregation, lynchings, murder, and blatant terrorism.

In our westward expansion, we nearly destroyed an entire race of human beings. The estimates range up to 2 MILLION killed. We were the first ones to use use chemical weapons in the 1800s by circulating blankets infested with smallpox on people with no immunity.

It was 130 years after the ratification of the constitution before women (52% of the population) had the right to vote!

America is still the only country to use nuclear weapons on other human beings. We started the arms race and the cold war. Our threat is what caused and still causes other nations to construct these weapons. They do it not because they hate us, but because they fear us.

Near the end of World War II in Europe, the war was all but won. Berlin was about be overrun. Hitler was contemplating suicide. They were out of supplies and retreating fast. So what did we do? We FIREBOMBED Dresden. This was an old city with absolutely no military significance. With Berlin in ruins, we sent every bomb imaginable to this peaceful city and killed over 40,000 civilians. There were more people killed in Dresden than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

Child labor, pollution, global warming, exploitation of immigrants, torture, executions, assasinations, depressions, recessions, Nixon, intolerance to gays, imperialism, war for oil, Viet Nam, Korea, The Spanish American War, IRAQ, G. W. Bush, communist witch hunts, Blue laws, censorship, unionbusters, glass ceilings, disco, drug traffic, american idol, commercialism, anti semitism, Watergate, the KKK, white supremism, street crime, school shootings, Wall Street.

I'm sure you think I hate America. Well I don't. That is because, I believe that the true greatness is yet to come. Now can be the turning point to the promise of true freedom. I am hopeful that real change will occur, even if the stock market collapses, and possibly because the stock market collapses. Tear it all down and begin again might be the way to go.



Lifer said...


I'm disappointed that you left out abortion as your sixth (my 1st) crime against humanity. You didn't even give it a "dishonorable mention". I just hope you are not ignoring it because it's a liberal mainstay since 1973 in which 3,000 babies are slaughtered every day in America.
Check out this site that was first sent out to the hispanic community in Spanish and then English was added.

I'm sure your Irish father would have been disappointed with you if
you supported this atrocity.

Lifer said...


I stopped watching Letterman as he's a no-talent hack. Obrien (whi is a natural comic)was best and then Leno for the late night time slots.
