Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Night For The Ages

We witnessed history tonight! It was as if we were present at the signing of The Declaration Of Independence, or if we were present during The Gettysburg Address. We saw the like of women's suffrage coming to fruition and our victory in World War II. It was akin to John Kennedy promising conquest of the new frontier or Ronald Reagan challenging The Soviets to tear down that wall!

Or perhaps Jackie Robinson taking up his position at second base in Ebbett's Field.

I am proud to be an American tonight. Proud because I have seen our beloved country rise to a plateau I never honestly expected to see. I witnessed history. America has been reborn again. We are the best. We can overcome hate, prejudice, injustice, and slavery. We can sing in harmony, in one voice, and proclaim to the world that this is truly the land of the free and the home of the brave!

I was cynical and highly doubtful that America had the capability to be great again. Since John Kennedy was assassinated, our leaders have been lacking in many ways. Tonight, we have A New Hope for greatness, not seen since I was a child.

In 1968, before he was assassinated, Robert Kennedy said that it would be 40 years before a black person would be elected president.

I was 13 in 1972. That was the first presidential campaign that I was seriously interested in. Sister Ruth ( My teacher in 8th grade) made me take the McGovern button off my tie. My family was badly affected by The Viet Nam War. I went to anti war rallies and read everything I could about Nixon, McGovern, economy, the war, the republican burglaries and lies, the attempts to cover up Watergate, the invasions of Laos, and Cambodia, and the possibility that the new 18 year old voters could somehow change a nation. On Election Night in 1972, I wept.

As Robert Kennedy prophesied, in 2008, an African American was elected to the highest office in the land. There was rejoicing throughout the country! But what's much more, we have elected a man who will speak for all men and women. A man who is intelligent, educated, and has a vision for the future of America. He is not looking to profit, but to protect and defend all of us! President Barack Obama will be one of the best presidents we have ever had. He will be because he has to.

Just like Jackie Robinson at second base in Ebbett's Field.

On Election Night in 2008, I wept....this time for joy.


Roger Silverberg said...

I know what you mean. This was really a "new morning" for America and Americans. For once, the good guys really did pull it off. I couldn't help but spout some of my sense that history was made and, really, since JFK went--and I remember that day real well because I was 12 then--this was a real good political moment, the first in 45 years.

I am proud to be a (thinking and feeling) American.

Unknown said...

Dave......You are so good at this...you have great views and insight...I hope I can vote for you for something, someday. I don't think he will let us down. I Believe this is another great opportunity for our country to regain the respect and envy of the world..."Yes We Can".... I also think I must thank your daughter for hooking you up with this tech. site. Blog on...
SaxMonkey, George

Unknown said...

Could not have said it better myself. It is really hard to keep a silent tongue in my mouth these days but living in a military town I don't have much choice.

Oh well, I can always let loose when I go home to NY to visit.