Friday, February 13, 2009

More Observations on a Crazy World

My boss said to me today that he is only going to get $13 a week in President Obama's plan. I had to explain to him that $13 a week multiplied by 200 million people is a stimulus to the economy. I received a check last year for $600. I used it to pay down a credit card. The difference is obvious. The sad part is that people don't realize that we are in such bad straights due to the outragious spending of the last 8 years. The republican refusal to support our president and his efforts to fix this mess is shameful. Their corporate masters are undermining our democracy and our freedom. They are bought and sold!

My boss understood once I explained it to him. It's not about what you are going to GET. It's about the effort of a brave president who will fight to make things right. It is a sure sign of a coward to be against changes just so he can leap in when something goes wrong. Where are the brave republicans? They are cowards and even worse, opportunists. Not one!!!.. broke ranks.

They are praying for President Obama's plan to fail. They are traitors and cowards. If the plan fails, we all fail. They only care about themselves and not for you, the American people.

Our president is the first president in 50 years who has no personal agenda. He wants to solve our problems. He has been in office for less than a month. Lets support!


Steroids make you a better athelete. DUH!!! We have known this since the present Governor of California admitidly took them way back in the 70's. The players will do ANYTHING to get an edge. DUH!!! They are jocks! They can play, they can't think. The idiot corporate masters who run our beloved game let this happen. If I could see in 98 that McGuire and Sosa were juiced, so could they. Bud Selig (The "commisioner") gets 17 million dollars per year because he let this happen. We have seen our pastime become a joke. How does it feel to be cheated? In 2000, the Mets lost The World Series to The All Juiced Team!

I have heard and read many so called Sports commentaters actually blame the Players Union. The players don't work for the union, they ARE the union. The union doesn't police it's members, it protects them. That is their job. There is a controversy that union officials told players that they would be tested. DUH!! The union is the player.

I was a union rep. If someone from the company said we are going after some guy, it was my DUTY to tell him, protect him, and even cover for him.

The Baseball Player's Union screwed up by not destroying A-Rod's and all the dirty players test results.

Anyway, I'm going to pick a team soon to follow along with my Mets. Any suggestions?



Lifer said...


You're kidding...right. $13.00 per week savings? Actually, it's going to be $8.00 per week tax savings starting in May.
Only you could spin a positive note on that nonsense.

Doesn't it bother you that almost two thirds of Obama's stimulus are earmarks/pork. The reason for all that "pork" was to guarantee that those democrats get re-elected. They bought their votes. We were bought and sold by the democrats.

Obama lied on his speech tonight saying there was no "pork" in his plan. I guess he's like all the other democrats that didn't even read the "plan". Interesting that Chuckie Cheese Schumer says there is 'pork" in the plan but per Chuck, the tax payers don't care about pork. What nerve!!! Chuck and Obama should get on the same page when they decide to lie to the taxpayers.

Now wouldn't it be a better move that instead of $13 saving in your weekly paycheck tax savings, if $300 to $500 billion dollars of the "earmark/pork" portion gave you a real weekly tax savings?

Dave, you're such a extreme leftie that you will take whatever those democrats give you. Don't you think we would all be better served if the entire $800 billion went toward true stimlus.

P.S. The true architects to our financial mess is Bill Clinton and Greenspan. They deregulated the banking system and forced the banks to give mortgages to people who should never have recieved them. At least Greenspan had the guts to admit it. I'll send you Greenspan's You Tube confession if you need convincing.
On top of that the democrats starring good ol' Barney Frank perpetuated the coming disaster dispite warning from Bush and other Republicans back in 2003. (That was also on You Tube which I sent you last week.)

You says Obama has no agenda?? Stop watching CNBC already.

A sample of his agenda list is the following;
1) Eliminate state decision to limit or outlaw abortion and to even allow the killing of babies within minutes of their birth. (Obama is the ultimate scumbag on this issue). He will try and force Catholic hospitals to perform murder on the unborn by trying to make them to conduct abortions. He is going to send billions overseas (especially Africa) to fund abortions with our tax dollars.
2) Re-distribute wealth from the producers in our society to the non-producers...can we say socialism?
3) Increase the dependence on government by increasing/adding social programs.

I see you stop complaining about Obama's opposition to gay marriage.

Thank God that the Republicans and 14 democrats voted against this stimulus which is 2/3's crap. They are ripping off the taxpayers and the taxpayers children. This is the larger spending plan beyond all the wars (including Iraq) in U.S. history.

Dave, before you spout your uninformed BS on your "blog" do your research.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment as always. You failed to answer my question though! Which team should I support? You must be a Yankees Fan!

Anonymous said...


I'm a Red Sox fan and I am sure you won't join me there! 1986 was unforgettable.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello from the other coast. Glad your Monday nights are still hoppin'!


Lifer said...


I'm a Mets fan.
I would have preferred that the old name "Shea Stadium" was carried over to the new park. I detest the use of corporate names on baseball parks. I give the Yankees that much credit for not doing the same.
