Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Struggle Continues (No on 8)

My friends, as we rejoiced in the fact that our beloved America finaly boldly announced to the world that we are truly free, the cause of liberty was sadly silenced in some quarters on November 4, 2008. California passed Proposition 8 which disallowed marriage between persons of the same sex. A small victory occurred when Connecticut joined Massachusetts as the only 2 states that allow such unions.

On November 15, 2008, there were rallies in every major city in America to raise awareness to the fact that there are currently about 30 MILLION Americans who are not allowed to wed. In 1968, there were 16 States where it was illegal for people from different races to wed.

The other night, I watched a movie that was made that year (1968). It was "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" starring Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Sidnet Poitier, among others. It featured some pretty dated dialogue concerning a "colored" man marrying a white woman. The subject was taboo at that time 40 years ago. I wonder if Derek Jeter's parents saw that film!

When President Clinton passed the law that would not exclude gay men and women from the military, there were some people who were upset by that. Some were afraid that this would affect them adversely. Perhaps their fears were based on misconceptions and lies. It did not adversely affect the military but allowed young patriotic Americans who happened to be gay, to proudly serve their country as they had all along but no longer under a shroud of secrecy and false shame. My Dad once told me that when he and his comrades were under fierce attack on Anzio Beach, he couldn't care in the least who they slept with at home. When they came home in boxes, they were no less heroes because they happened to be gay.

So why are people so afraid that gay men and women could marry? How does this hurt anyone? Are our archaic religious beliefs so pervasive that an entire segment of our population can be legally discriminated against? Love is good. Please remember that a public affirmation of love serves us all and does no harm.

I suppose that fear of one's own sexuality probably plays a role. Another is the fear that your child may be gay. Once we understand that being gay is not an affliction, but another diversity to be celebrated, we will never get out of this cycle of hate and fear.

We are all diminished by our acceptance of legal prejudice. If your anti gay feelings are solely based on your religious beliefs, I offer you a few words:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged" Matthew 7:1

If you are unable to accept the truth, then please get out of the way.......or be judged.



Lifer said...

The gay community is becoming very militant these days by attacking Mormon Church members and stamping on a little old lady's cross.

They also know that up to 70% of the African-Americans and Hispanics opposed the gay marriage in Prop 8 and are social conservatives and attend services. Despite knowing that these two groups were the largest against gay marriage and the gay and lesbian groups have not attacked members of those communities. My point is they shouldn't be attacking anyone the way they do and it doesn't endear their cause to the straight community.

Can we say grandstanding?
Can we say chickensh**?

Unknown said...

Hi my friend and thank you for you comments.

Please, if you can, define the "gay community". My daughter and her friends, and the MILLIONS of gay americans are certainly far from militant. If fact, I know that "they" would be the first ones to offer this little old lady help and decry violence.
Gay men and women have suffered the worst and most disgraceful violent attacks you can imagine (remember Matthew Shepard?)
They are not attacking anyone. They just want the same rights you and and I have. I have read the Constitution my friend and NO WHERE does it it specify gender as a qualification for marriage.
Remember what Jesus said:
Whatsoever you do to least of by brethren, that you do unto me.
70% or more of the African Americans and Hispanics also voted for Barrack Obama who you probably did not support. I question your statistics. If you have any clue about demographics, you should know that the largest (by far) group that is against all human rights are the religious Zealots like you. There is no Gay community or Black community or ANY community except for the Human community. If you want to continue to live in your own tribal idiocracy then get back to the 19th century where you belong and leave the higher beings here alone. DD

Lifer said...

The term "community" was not invented by me and is used by all including gays. You used it to describe All of mankind as human [community] which I applaud. It's only a term and not meant to segregate anyone so please do not dissect my post word for word.

The "up to 70%" of African Americans and Hispanics against gay marriage is from CNN. You can research that number I'm sure.

If you watch the news channels, they are showing gays not exactly using the Martin Luther King version of peaceful protests. They are attacking those that disagree with them on the marriage factor with violent protests by knocking down their signs and screaming at them within inches of their faces. There are claims of physical attacks. I'm sure this is not acceptable procedure to all gays.

I do like the biblical phrase that you use, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me", but I think you use it selectively. The least of your brethren are millions of murdered babies (and many late term) that are killed by dismemberment. Late term abortion babies are murdered by cutting a hole in the back of their heads and then vaccuming their brain out until their soft skulls collapse. Either "procedure" is unspeakable torture.
The moral thing to do is to bring the baby to full term and give it up for adoption. You have told me that you can't make that decision for a woman. Very lame. You need to support Right to Life groups who offer free housing, prenatal care, clothing to encourage people not to kill their babies.
Dave, you need to be a voice for those that have no voice. They ARE the least of your brethen....right?

Gays are now protected by law to have all civil rights (including civil unions) granted to all Americans and it was long overdue. I greatly support those laws and I am happy for my gay co-workers and friends. Marriage is a 5,000 year old tradition between one man and one woman which precedes the Constitution. I support keeping marriage as is.


Unknown said...

Hey John, I know how you feel. Enough said. You are not changing minds by your graphic descriptions of medical procedures. You segued into your cause and changed the subject. Gay people DON'T have abortions! They ADOPT unwanted kids you fool!!! You should be celebrating that. Who indoctrinated you that marriage can't be between consenting adults of the same sex? The priest who molested you??? Sorry for that. He was not gay. He was a pedophile. BIG difference! There were hundreds of demonstrations last week with hundreds of thousands of people peacefully supporting gay marriage. I was among them. There was not even a hint of violence. Stop watching FOX news or Al Jazeera or whatever propaganda you get your silly pseudo "facts" from. Feel free to comment but PLEASE leave out the graphic details or I will be forced to post the graphic details of my wife's C-section delivering our FIFTH child!!! Is that subtle enough?

Lifer said...

Wow Dave, getting a little unhinged, aren't you? I was all wrong about you. Your "Peace" salutations, your nice biblical sayings like "least of your brethern" which I thought were a nice touch and your lifelong Catholic education you were almost priest like.
Based on your last post, it turns out that it's total bullshit and you're a phoney.
You don't include the unborn in your selective "least of your brethern" boast as you reduce their murder to your "medical procedure" term.
You're really a nasty guy and self hating Catholic with pedophile priest reference. (Where did that come from?)
Dave, your better off with facts than attacks. I suppose when the facts don't jive with selective thinking you go into attack mode. I would say if you didn't have a gay daughter, you wouldn't give a damn about gays. Did her gayness embarrass you at one time and now you're overcompensating by deriding your Catholic religion? As you know the Catholic church and All religions do not allow gay marriage.

Unknown said...

Unhinged? No. Angry? A bit. It bothers me that you turned a topic that is quite relevant and worthy of comment into your personal soap box. The cause that you so fervently promote is a worthy one too and deserves discussion, but not when it includes graphic descriptions and is completely off topic. You are using me and this forum inappropriately.
The pedophile priest reference, I admit, was offensive in it's phrasing, but the analogy clearly went over your head. Your portrayal of gays as militants is as ridiculous as the portrayal of priests as pedophiles.
I am not priest like, nor am I a phony. I suppose the truth lies somewhere in between.
My daughter is my hero for a myriad of reasons. When I feel as though my children are being attacked, I go on the offensive and will again.
Let's respectfully end this back and forth and see if anyone else has something to say about it. I do apologize for any offensive comments.
"Love your enemies. Do good to them who hate you. Bless them that curse you and pray for them that despitefully use you."
LUKE 6:27-28.

Lifer said...

Hey Dave,

Well said.

Happy Thanksgiving!
