Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1969 - The Year of Miracles!

I was 10 years old in 1969. That was the year that everything changed. My eyes were opened to the world and all it's wonder and to the amazing glory that is life.

I had already encountered sorrow and the loss of a friend in Viet Nam. His Name was Johnny Thorp and he was killed in October of 1968. We used to play baseball and football in the street outside of our houses in suburban America. In this case it was Westbury, Long Island, New York.

I was a Jets Fan. They became the AFL champions and were facing the NFL champs and overwhelming favorite Baltimore Colts in SuperBowl III. This was January, 1969 (The Year of Miracles). As Joe Namath predicted, The Jets won!

When the baseball season began, I had no expectations that The Mets would do any better than their history suggested. They started out strong and by July 4, they were in 2nd place, still far away from the first place Cubs. My grandpa, James Edgar, was dying of cancer. He lived in Elmhurst, Queens, NY. It was a stones throw from Shea Stadium. He was a World War I hero and he loved his Mets. I remember telling him that I think the Mets can do it! He was less optimistic.

On July 20, we put a man on the moon!! If we could do that, we could do anything!!!

On August 15, 500,000 people gathered in Bethel, NY, for The Woodstock music and art festival! For 3 days, Bethel was the 3rd biggest city in New York! There was NO violence! Just Peace, Music, and friendship. That's a miracle!!

On September 24, The NY Mets clinched first place in the Eastern Division of The National League.

On October 2nd, My Grandpa died.

Our Mets beat the Braves in The NLCS and Won The World Series from the overwhelming favorite Baltimore Orioles. It was a good year for New York, a tough one for Baltimore.

1969 was a year of miracles! It shaped my life and my outlook on nearly everything. I look back and remember that year more fondly than most. It was truly the best of times and the worst of times. I choose to remember the best.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Sweet Swine O' Mine

The latest Media fueled panic is over something called Swine Flu. It is a strain of influenza which apparently originated in Mexico and has spread to various quarters through tourism. The real occurance of this latest "pandemic" has been extremely small and the few real reported cases are proving to be no more harmful than the many other strains of flu that appear every year.

However, due to media induced fear, people have been seen wearing surgical masks in of all places, Times Square!!! This is probably the most visited location in America by people from around the world. There are probably more germs floating around Times Square than in any other stretch of blocks in the country.

What these mask wearing morons obviously don't understand is that surgical masks don't keep you from contracting the contagion, they only keep you from spreading it (marginally)!

Due to our natural defenses, it is HIGHLY unlikely to contract influenza or a common cold through our noses and mouths. It is almost always contracted through hand to eye contact. Our eyes don't have the same protection as our other orifaces. When you touch a door knob or other object that someone has spread the germ on, possibly by coughing or sneezing on their hand, and then touch your eye, you have a far better chance of getting the "bug".

Surgeons wear masks in operating rooms to protect the patients who are literally open for infections, not to protect themselves.

President Obama was spot on in his advice. Wash your hands!

The reason I am writing this is because I host an Open Mic Night every Monday at Bartini Bar in Babylon, New York. A few musicians have expressed concern that the microphones may spread the nasty swine. That is Hogwash (pardon the bad pun)!!! You are far more likely to get it from an ATM, gas pump, door knob, stair rail, the handle on the coffee pot at 7-11, a menu, a supermarket cart, and MONEY!!! If I was a terrorist, I would infect the money!

So fear not my friends! You will survive. You can even tell your grandchildren " I had The Swine Flu and Lived"! If you do contract Swine Flu, come and sing at my Open Mic! Just don't touch anything!!!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama to the Rescue!

President Obama faced his first international crisis when a band of Somali pirates boarded an American Cargo ship, took the Captain hostage and demanded 2 million dollars for his release. The President refused to comment publicly during the ordeal and was almost immediately criticized by the republicans, most notably Newt Gingrich for failing to "act decisively".

What we didn't know was that The President called together military strategists, law enforcement officials, and various experts to figure out a plan to thwart the criminals and rescue Captain Phillips. There were 17 such meetings during the 5 day ordeal. President Obama authorized precise military action with the safety of Captain Phillips as the primary objective.

As we know, the operation was a resounding success.

Even Newt Gingrich ate proverbial crow and admitted that The President and the military were correct in their actions. What is truly stunning is that many of those lovable right wing fanatics refuse to give our President the proper respect for dealing with this crisis in a decisive and successful way.

It is certain that if the mission failed, Obama would be the one to be blamed. Since it did not fail, even the republicans should be giving him the credit.

I can only imagine how George W. Bush would have handled it. After waking up from his nap, he probably would have made a public statement that the evil doers would pay. He then would have aroused Dick Cheney from his bunker who would have ordered the bombing of the life boat. Captain Phillips would have died of course and the pirates would have escaped. We then would have bombed the villages of Somalia without ever killing or capturing the pirates, just thousands of innocent Somalis.

We then would have invaded Madagascar!!!!!


Friday, February 13, 2009

More Observations on a Crazy World

My boss said to me today that he is only going to get $13 a week in President Obama's plan. I had to explain to him that $13 a week multiplied by 200 million people is a stimulus to the economy. I received a check last year for $600. I used it to pay down a credit card. The difference is obvious. The sad part is that people don't realize that we are in such bad straights due to the outragious spending of the last 8 years. The republican refusal to support our president and his efforts to fix this mess is shameful. Their corporate masters are undermining our democracy and our freedom. They are bought and sold!

My boss understood once I explained it to him. It's not about what you are going to GET. It's about the effort of a brave president who will fight to make things right. It is a sure sign of a coward to be against changes just so he can leap in when something goes wrong. Where are the brave republicans? They are cowards and even worse, opportunists. Not one!!!.. broke ranks.

They are praying for President Obama's plan to fail. They are traitors and cowards. If the plan fails, we all fail. They only care about themselves and not for you, the American people.

Our president is the first president in 50 years who has no personal agenda. He wants to solve our problems. He has been in office for less than a month. Lets support!


Steroids make you a better athelete. DUH!!! We have known this since the present Governor of California admitidly took them way back in the 70's. The players will do ANYTHING to get an edge. DUH!!! They are jocks! They can play, they can't think. The idiot corporate masters who run our beloved game let this happen. If I could see in 98 that McGuire and Sosa were juiced, so could they. Bud Selig (The "commisioner") gets 17 million dollars per year because he let this happen. We have seen our pastime become a joke. How does it feel to be cheated? In 2000, the Mets lost The World Series to The All Juiced Team!

I have heard and read many so called Sports commentaters actually blame the Players Union. The players don't work for the union, they ARE the union. The union doesn't police it's members, it protects them. That is their job. There is a controversy that union officials told players that they would be tested. DUH!! The union is the player.

I was a union rep. If someone from the company said we are going after some guy, it was my DUTY to tell him, protect him, and even cover for him.

The Baseball Player's Union screwed up by not destroying A-Rod's and all the dirty players test results.

Anyway, I'm going to pick a team soon to follow along with my Mets. Any suggestions?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Old Wives' Tale (and a bit of History)

I have worn glasses since I was 12. My eyesight was probably less than 20/20 for some years before that. My mother told me that eating carrots would improve my vision and even enhance my ability to see at night. When I questioned this theory, she would say that you never saw a rabbit wearing glasses. This of course is an old wives' tale or what we now call an Urban Legend.

Like most of these tales, there is a basis in reality. In the days before we understood about nutrition and vitamins, people who were severely deficient in vitamin A would suffer debilitating symptoms including impaired vision. Eating carrots which are rich in vitamin A quickly restored their vision. A legend was born. Eating carrots or any other dietary measure can not enhance vision, but people are prone to believe such myths and superstitions. In fact, since vitamin A is not water soluble, a diet too rich in vitamin A can cause the same debilitating effects. The only thing that can enhance one's vision is technology. From corrective lenses to laser treatment, we need some help from science to overcome this problem.

OK, enough with the science lesson. Here's the cool part!

In the early days of World War II, before America entered the war, England and France were soundly defeated by Germany in The Battle of France. As the Germans planned their assault on Great Britain, they employed a strategy that has been used since air warfare was invented. They would bomb the hell out of them! They called it Blitzkreig. This had two objectives. The first was to weaken their manufacturing capabilites and impair their infrastructure. The second was to wear down their will to fight.

The bombing missions were highly successful. Despite the valiant efforts of the British fighter pilots, they were unable to stop the slow moving bombers because the raids were conducted at night under the cover of darkness. Pilots from all over the world, most notably, The US and Canada, volunteered to relieve their British comrades. Nightly, great cities in England were in flames. After several months, the German's first objective was achieved. However, the resolve of the British to defend their homeland was undeterred.

All hope was nearly lost but almost suddenly, the German bombers began falling from the sky at the hands of the tenacious British fighter pilots in unbelievable numbers! Not only were they unable to reach England, but they were being shot down shortly after they left their bases in France! The world was astounded. The British had found the answer. It was carrots! They showed newsreel footage of the British pilots eating stacks of raw carrots while preparing for missions. This enabled them to see the German bombers at night. They told the world that the old wive's tale was responsible for the complete turnaround and the victory in The Battle of Britain. The bombing missions stopped and there are rumours that German pilots were falling ill to vitamin A overload.

The truth, as we later learned, is that The British invented RADAR!!!!!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Observations On A Crazy World

I was really hoping that a new presidential administration might make our leaders in Washington stop the petty wrangling on important issues and get to serious work in fixing the worsening state of our economy. With thousands of people losing their jobs every day, I was optimistic that the president and congress would roll up their collective sleeves and get to work together to fix this mess. The administration introduced a stimulus bill to hopefully jump start the process. The republicans in Congress disagreed with several points in the bill as written. The President went to them in the spirit of compromise and changed and deleted several measures in the original proposal. Even after significant alterations at the request of the Republican Congressmen, not a SINGLE one voted for it. It passed of course, and it would have passed as originally written. I suppose bi-partisanship or post-partisanship does not enter the minds of republican congressmen. What is apparent is that some people are very sore losers.

My big sister Doreen gave me a birthday gift. It was Bill O'Reilly's latest book "A Bold Fresh Piece Of Humanity". Doreen and I are not fans of Bill O'Reilly but the fact remains that my two sisters (Ellen is the other one) and I went to the same grammer school as Bill. It was and is St. Brigid School in Westbury, Long Island, New York. I have many memories of the 8 years I inhabited the place and Bill's book was primarily about his recollections of the 8 years he was there. He talks about many of the same people I knew and the places and experiences we shared growing up in middle class Long Island. I must admit, the book brought back a flood of memories. That was cool.

Unfortunately, the story unfolded into a self serving advertisement for Bill's TV show. He expounded on how noble he is and how his cause is righteous and the precise ways his staff investigates everything that he spouts about (or bloviates as he calls it).

Today, Mr. O'Reilly was exposed as the unintelligent fraud that he really is. He attacked, of all people, the ACTRESS, Jessica Alba for making an off handed comment to some reporter that he should be neutral like Sweden. O'Reilly called her a "pinhead" for this remark and said that everyone knows Switzerland is the neutral country.

Ms. Alba responded on her blog:

“Last week, Mr. Bill O’Reilly and some really classy sites, i.e.TMZ, insinuated I was dumb by claiming Sweden was a neutral country, It’s so sad to me that you think the only neutral country during WWII was Switzerland.”
" I appreciate the name calling and the accurate reporting. Keep it up!!”

The fact is Sweden proffessed neutrality and has remained neutral since 1814. Their stance on this is recognized by the U.N. and all countries. I guess the well educated Bill O'Reilly and his crack staff missed this one.

The point is, stupid people can make a pile of money by bloviating to other stupid people. Bill O'Reilly certainly has. It is refreshing that a 27 year old actress is smarter than a 60 year old man who went to Harvard, Marist, Chaminade, and St. Brigid.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As I watched the concert for President Obama's inauguration, I was touched by the performances and the exuberance of the massive crowd. It paled however to the throng over 2 million strong who witnessed the oath of office. This was truly a great day for America!

The concert had many high points including a personal one. When John Mellencamp took the stage, Magge wondered if Andy was there. As soon as I heard the lead guitar, I said "that's Andy!" My friend Andy York was playing at The Lincoln Memorial! Andy York is the lead guitar player in Ian Hunter's Rant Band. He produced Ian's last few CDs. He does the same for John Mellencamp. I first met him in 2001 outside of Mulcahy's which is a bar in Wantagh, NY. We've talked several times since then and although he is a "rock star", he has always been gracious and very nice. It was cool to see him rocking for America!
The highest point was Pete Seeger leading the crowd on a Woody Guthrie song that we all know. "THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND" should be our national anthem. Pete Seeger wrote some amazing songs too. I believe his finest was "Turn, Turn, Turn" which was taken almost ver bat um from ECCLESIASTES.

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven"

We are witnessing a time in which the purpose is to take our battered and troubled union into the new millennium and forge a greater place for our children and grand children to have a happy, peaceful, and useful existence.

" I perceive that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his own works"

I believe that finally, ALL are included in our great country. We walk together as one nation at last. The greatest accomplishments are still to come. Today was truly a day to celebrate the greatest nation the world has ever known.

There is nothing WE can not do.
Let us all rejoice.