Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As I watched the concert for President Obama's inauguration, I was touched by the performances and the exuberance of the massive crowd. It paled however to the throng over 2 million strong who witnessed the oath of office. This was truly a great day for America!

The concert had many high points including a personal one. When John Mellencamp took the stage, Magge wondered if Andy was there. As soon as I heard the lead guitar, I said "that's Andy!" My friend Andy York was playing at The Lincoln Memorial! Andy York is the lead guitar player in Ian Hunter's Rant Band. He produced Ian's last few CDs. He does the same for John Mellencamp. I first met him in 2001 outside of Mulcahy's which is a bar in Wantagh, NY. We've talked several times since then and although he is a "rock star", he has always been gracious and very nice. It was cool to see him rocking for America!
The highest point was Pete Seeger leading the crowd on a Woody Guthrie song that we all know. "THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND" should be our national anthem. Pete Seeger wrote some amazing songs too. I believe his finest was "Turn, Turn, Turn" which was taken almost ver bat um from ECCLESIASTES.

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven"

We are witnessing a time in which the purpose is to take our battered and troubled union into the new millennium and forge a greater place for our children and grand children to have a happy, peaceful, and useful existence.

" I perceive that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his own works"

I believe that finally, ALL are included in our great country. We walk together as one nation at last. The greatest accomplishments are still to come. Today was truly a day to celebrate the greatest nation the world has ever known.

There is nothing WE can not do.
Let us all rejoice.


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