Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Observations On A Crazy World

I was really hoping that a new presidential administration might make our leaders in Washington stop the petty wrangling on important issues and get to serious work in fixing the worsening state of our economy. With thousands of people losing their jobs every day, I was optimistic that the president and congress would roll up their collective sleeves and get to work together to fix this mess. The administration introduced a stimulus bill to hopefully jump start the process. The republicans in Congress disagreed with several points in the bill as written. The President went to them in the spirit of compromise and changed and deleted several measures in the original proposal. Even after significant alterations at the request of the Republican Congressmen, not a SINGLE one voted for it. It passed of course, and it would have passed as originally written. I suppose bi-partisanship or post-partisanship does not enter the minds of republican congressmen. What is apparent is that some people are very sore losers.

My big sister Doreen gave me a birthday gift. It was Bill O'Reilly's latest book "A Bold Fresh Piece Of Humanity". Doreen and I are not fans of Bill O'Reilly but the fact remains that my two sisters (Ellen is the other one) and I went to the same grammer school as Bill. It was and is St. Brigid School in Westbury, Long Island, New York. I have many memories of the 8 years I inhabited the place and Bill's book was primarily about his recollections of the 8 years he was there. He talks about many of the same people I knew and the places and experiences we shared growing up in middle class Long Island. I must admit, the book brought back a flood of memories. That was cool.

Unfortunately, the story unfolded into a self serving advertisement for Bill's TV show. He expounded on how noble he is and how his cause is righteous and the precise ways his staff investigates everything that he spouts about (or bloviates as he calls it).

Today, Mr. O'Reilly was exposed as the unintelligent fraud that he really is. He attacked, of all people, the ACTRESS, Jessica Alba for making an off handed comment to some reporter that he should be neutral like Sweden. O'Reilly called her a "pinhead" for this remark and said that everyone knows Switzerland is the neutral country.

Ms. Alba responded on her blog:

“Last week, Mr. Bill O’Reilly and some really classy sites, i.e.TMZ, insinuated I was dumb by claiming Sweden was a neutral country, It’s so sad to me that you think the only neutral country during WWII was Switzerland.”
" I appreciate the name calling and the accurate reporting. Keep it up!!”

The fact is Sweden proffessed neutrality and has remained neutral since 1814. Their stance on this is recognized by the U.N. and all countries. I guess the well educated Bill O'Reilly and his crack staff missed this one.

The point is, stupid people can make a pile of money by bloviating to other stupid people. Bill O'Reilly certainly has. It is refreshing that a 27 year old actress is smarter than a 60 year old man who went to Harvard, Marist, Chaminade, and St. Brigid.



JD said...

Jessica Alba is talented and needless to say, hot. There's really only one reason a man would attack her in such a way. Perhaps O'reilly has tasted the rainbow, if you know what I mean.

Lifer said...


Your far left is showing to a fault.

This stimulus package is so loaded with so many "earmarks" that create no growth or job creation that I congratulate the eleven democrats who voted against it.

There should be no earmarks on this package. Obama was grandstanding as he removed a couple of these taxpayer ripoffs.

Doesn't it bother you that these democrats are pushing through a $819 BILLION dollar package that is all borrowed money. It doesn't include the interest payments to countries like China who controls much of our debt.
It will create record deficits that will surpass the[time adjusted] cost of World War 2. Many of these democrat party "earmarks" will last well beyond the forecasted end of this crisis.

The Democrats, knowing that they can probably get away with this, loaded up this package with all their pet projects.

Here are a few:
1) #35 million to prevent sexual diseases.
2) $50 million endowment of the arts.
3) $70 million for a supercomputer for the National oceanic and atmospheric administration.
4) Countless social programs making more Americans dependent on the growing Obama government.
5) $75 million for smoking cessation.

This short example list will not put money in people's pockets with new jobs.

Out of the $819 billion, only $275 billion will go to tax relief and job creation business incentives. Another $27 billion will continue unemployment insurance.
The $500 billion difference should only be spent on mass job creation items or they should be off the list. What if this $819 billion the way its written doesn't work and we need to go back for more stimulus dollars? What then? The democrats would have squandered this opportunity.

Next subject: O'Reilly

Dave, stop being coy and at the same time insulting us by trying to spin that this "actress" intentionally meant to say Sweden when we all know she really meant to say Switzerland all to have an excuse at a shot at O'Reilly.
Nice try.
By the way, O'Reilly's rating are off the charts and the likes of Olbermann [of the dying MSNBC]couldn't touch O'Reilly for being acceptably fair on issues. Try watching the show.